Wise and careful use of your tax dollars to ensure student success and classroom support
We must focus on wise and careful use of your tax dollars to ensure student success and classroom support. Did you know that 50% of your York County tax dollars are given to the York County School Division each year? How are these funds being used? There are several administrative leads in the school board office who make multiple six figure salaries while dedicated classroom teachers have gone several years without promised step raises and quite a few work additional jobs to make ends meet. Many teachers use their own, personal funds for classroom supplies.
The Superintendent asks for more money every year. How are these funds helping students? How much is being spent hiring outside corporations that focus on non-academic agendas? It’s time to have someone on the York County School Board who is willing to ask these questions, take a close look at how your tax dollars are being spent, make sure the focus is on what’s truly needed, and keep parents & taxpayers informed.
It’s time to elect Lynda Fairman to the York County School Board for District 5.