

Parents & Students, Teachers & Staff, Taxpayers, and the Law must be respected not only by elected officials but, also, by school administration.

Parents and students, teachers and staff, taxpayers, and the law must be respected by elected officials and YCSD administrators and staff. The York County School Board works for YOU, the constituent, to make sure students are taught their academic subjects and life lessons to become good citizens and productive members of our society. Virginia Code §1-240.1 is titled “Rights of Parents” and clearly states: “A parent has a fundamental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of the parent’s child.”

Understanding and respecting that law means respecting the parents when they bring concerns to the School Board. Teachers and staff are hired for a particular job as professionals and deserve to be treated and respected as professionals. York County taxpayers are footing the bill for our schools and, therefore, have a right to question how their money is being spent, and be respected when voicing their concerns. It’s time to have someone on the York County School Board who truly understands this concept of respecting those who speak about concerns.

It’s time to elect Lynda Fairman to the York County School Board for District 5.